Monday, August 20, 2012

DnD Next Playtest: Reclaiming Blingdenstone

DnD Next Playtest: Reclaiming Blingdenstone

Blingdenstone, a city that was once the home of thousands of svirfneblin (deep gnomes) and the only safe refuge in the northern Underdark, is in ruins. Although a brave band of svirfneblin struggles to reclaim the city, they cannot do so without help.


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Sundown to sunrise worlds spin above our heads, and all we see are the faint flicker of light that provides them life from times long past.

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It is our fault.
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Member for 5 years

Oh my various gods...I...I want this. So badly.

Any estimates on when it'll be up and running?

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Member for 1 years

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