Thursday, July 19, 2012

Clinton middle school sports restored; fees raised

CLINTON??? There was good news and bad news for sports out of last night?s Clinton School Committee meeting.

The School Committee voted to restore fall sports at Clinton Middle School, which had been cut to help make up a budget shortfall. At the same time, members agreed with the athletic directors to raise athletic fees $25 per fee level, to help support the program.

Co-Athletic Director Tony Gannon said the increase from $125 to $150 for the first sport, with a $475 per family maximum, is still less than ?almost all 25 schools in the league.?

Even with no fall sports at Clinton Middle School last school year (sports were restored beginning in the winter), fees brought in about $41,000 last year to help pay for the program. That, combined with fundraising, helped create a $35,000 surplus for the sports revolving account. While Mr. Gannon said he and fellow Co-Athletic Director Susan M. Notaro feel comfortable with the idea of restoring all middle school sports for the coming year, they are starting with the four fall sports: football, boys and girls track, and field hockey.

The town budgets $50,000 a year for the sports program. The rest comes from athletic fees, fundraising and donations.

Mr. Gannon agreed with School Committee member Angela LeBlanc?s assessment that middle school sports are important to keep students in the Clinton School Department. With the approval, he said they should be able to get the Clinton Middle School into a middle school league.

?That is great for kids and great for morale in the building,? Mr. Gannon said. In addition, no students are ever excluded from playing sports because of an inability to pay the athletic fee.

?We have even done work study, where a student helps set up and break down a field, and they are all set,? Mr. Gannon said.

? Jan Gottesman


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