Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Are computer games the way forward for assessing talent? | ConSol

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March 25, 2013 by consolpartners


An article in The Financial Times earlier this month discussed how computer games are now becoming a prominent feature in the hiring process. The idea is that gaming technologies can provide an employer with an overview of how a candidate might perform in a specific role. But how much value is there in this approach?

Well one example of a game was described in the article, which involved players taking the role of a waiter/waitress in a sushi restaurant, and then deciding what dishes customers want by judging their expressions. This perhaps doesn?t sound like it would be relevant to all sectors but it can actually be used to measure the speed required to perform tasks, for instance, and conclusions can be drawn on a number of key traits regardless of the specific job and sector in question. The idea is that, as players get involved in the action of the game, they are more likely to reveal their true selves and so the employer will have a better understanding of their capabilities.

It?s clear that this can be valuable when it comes to the recruitment process, and it?s a useful tool to differentiate you from the crowd in terms of your assessment process. However, at the same time there?s the argument that a game can?t reveal everything about a candidate, and it?s important not to rely solely on this method.

At ConSol, for instance, we recognise that key skills ? such as research, strategy, creativity and delivery ? are important. But, at the same time, we feel that one of the most important qualities of a potential hire is attitude, and this is harder to measure through an online game. If an individual has the right approach to work, they can be moulded to fit in with our visions and values, which is something that we really focus on as part of our graduate training academy. The most experienced and skilled recruiter on the other hand ? which may score highly in a game-based assessment ? may not fit in with the culture of your team and could have a detrimental effect on productivity.

It?s true that the potential of using games in the recruitment process is only really just being understood, and the tools will evolve over time. As it currently stands though, yes, they are a useful method, but it?s important not to use them in isolation if you are to hire the top talent.

What?s your view? Let us know by commenting below.

Source: http://consolpartners.com/2013/03/are-computer-games-the-way-forward-for-assessing-talent/

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